Welcome to Teen Alcohol Abuse

teen alcohol abuse

Our site on teen alcohol abuse and teenage alcoholism is dedicated to helping teenagers and parents of adolescents get help for alcohol addiction through residential treatment centers, alcohol rehab, and alcoholism counseling. Get alcohol statistics, alcohol facts, warning signs, effects, and alcohol treatment articles on our website. Find an alcohol treatment center for your teenager today!

Vodka Soaked Tampons? Hoax?
Vodka soaked tampons? Hoax? New trend? Recent media sources are reporting that a new trend teens are practicing to get drunk involve soaking a tampon in alcohol and using it vaginally and rectally in order to get drunk throughout the day while they are at school.
Alcohol Dependency
This article will help parents understand what teen alcohol dependency is, what threat alcohol dependency poses to teens, and how to get help for teens with alcohol dependency. Keep reading to find out who is at risk for alcohol dependency, and tips on preventing alcohol dependency.
Alcoholism Facts
Alcoholism is a disorder in which a person is dependent on alcohol. Learn more about what alcoholism is, what causes alcoholism, and treatment options for those that suffer from alcohol addiction. Alcohol abuse is very serious, learn the alcoholism facts here.
Antabuse is a drug used to help cure alcoholism in teens and adults who need alcohol abuse help. Antabuse is known to be effective in assisting alcoholic teens and adults in becoming less dependent on alcohol and can help reduce the risk of relapse in teens.
Alcohol and Crime
Although most people consume alcohol safely, there are some who do not, leading to a connection between alcohol and crime. To purchase or drink alcohol is not illegal under most circumstances. This article clarifies the relationship between alcohol and crime.