How to Talk to Teens About Alcohol Abuse

Learning how to talk to teens about alcohol abuse is something that every parent and educator should learn how to do. Teens need to know about the dangers of underage drinking and the effects or alcohol. Learning how to talk to teens about alcohol abuse is important and can make a difference in the life of a teen.

Parents learning how to talk to teens about alcohol abuse can learn a variety of ways to sit their own teen down and just talk to them about alcohol, alcohol abuse and the problems with underage drinking. Most importantly, parents need to learn how to talk to teens about alcohol abuse so they can simply create that dialog. Getting your teens talking about their lives, peer pressure they face, the curiosity or  interest they might have about drinking or the effects of alcohol, is a great way to find out how your teen feels about drinking and what they currently know about alcohol and alcohol abuse. Many teens begin drinking even before they hit age 15. Peer pressure can be a huge reason for this. This is why it is so important to talk to your teen around junior high age when they are first going to start being confronted with drinking opportunities, and when they might see their friends first begin to engage in these activities.

How to Talk to Teens About Alcohol Abuse:

There are a few different ways you can learn how to talk to teens about alcohol abuse including considering a few different ways to start the dialog. Some parents might have an educational video they would like to watch with their teen, so they can get the conversation started. The parent can watch the video with their teen, then talk to them afterward about their teen's reaction to the video. The video topic might cover underage drinking, alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction and teens as well as peer pressure. These are all topics that you should cover when you talk to your teen about alcohol abuse. Give them plenty of opportunity to ask you questions about alcohol abuse. Give them an opportunity to be open and honest with you. Refrain from casting judgment. Simply try and keep your responses open and honest. Explain to them the dangers of drinking at a young age and why teens are more likely to experience addiction when it comes to alcohol abuse than in comparison to adults. Because teen's brains aren't fully developed, they are more likely to develop alcoholism or alcohol dependency than in comparison with adults. 

There are also some alternative methods to talking to your teen about alcohol abuse. You can also simply just sit them down and ask them if  they have questions. Do your research beforehand so you will be able to actually inform them about alcohol and alcohol abuse. Many teens might wonder about how to avoid peer pressure, or they might simply be curious. Many teens try alcohol for the first time because they are curious as to the effects of alcohol. If you can help your teen understand exactly what the effects of alcohol are, they might be less inclined to simply try it one day. 

Parents also can be encouraged to talk to their teen in a different kind of "language" via text message. Don't be afraid to text your teen questions to these kinds of sensitive topics. Ask them via text if their is going to be alcohol at their friend's party on Friday night. Text might also give your teen the method of communication they need in order to be more open about their own lives. Many teens are very private and are afraid to ask their parents questions about certain topics like alcohol abuse. However, via text message, they might be a little more willing to open up.

When to Talk to Your Teen About Alcohol Abuse:

Learning how to talk to teens about alcohol abuse also includes the aspect of when. Many parents might wait until it is too late, so it is important to know when to sit down and talk to your teen. Many tweens are even being exposed to drinking and the pressure to drink alcohol, Movies and TV shows depict teens drinking all the time. Because of this, many teens may feel it is acceptable to drink at a younger age. This is why parents need to take an active role and talk to their teens at a younger age before it is too late.

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